Sunday, March 9, 2008

NeW sTuFf

Well i recently turned 16!
i've been so excited about it and now that its here it hasnt been quite as eventful as i anticipated
though in the very near future i think it will be
next week is a church dance
and the weekend after that there is youth conference which there will also be a dance for!
then in april there is the LDS prom!
i will probably obtain a date at one of the 2 up coming dances, so i will write again if there is any such luck :)

No, sadly i have not gone on my "first date" yet but the only guy i am really interested in wont be 16 for another month...(:
he was at my birthday prty(:
here are some pictures from my party...


Lynn said...

First of the garage really THAT CLEAN!?!

Secondly, would you kindly identify the young man 15 going on 16?

Your party looked awesome. Congratulations on becoming a woman, or whatever it is you become at 16. :)

alise said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for posting so many pictures! I'll be checking back for the latest (hint, hint).